Cracking the Thin-Fit-Health Equation

For most of us health goals are often geared towards outward appearance and the number tipping on the weighing scale. Although, these are some of the important indicators of good health, but often not enough. Healthy cholesterol levels, heart rate, lung capacity, good mental wellbeing among other things, are a measure of fitness irrespective of fat content. Let’s accept, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, thus, health and happiness should be the goal.
Here are the reasons why being thin and healthy are 2 different things:
It’s important to understand that being thin doesn’t necessarily make you healthy.
1. Understanding Fats
Fats deposited just beneath the skin are not of much harm than fats that surround deeper tissues and vital organs such as liver, kidney, heart etc. These are called visceral fat that you get from consumption of food high in saturated fats such as Cheese, butter, biscuits, cakes. And also lack of physical activity further adds to the fat-build up leading to the early onset of health problems.
Therefore, good health doesn’t always come only with a great body, but as a result of healthy behaviour that involves eating right, regular exercise and ofcourse good mental health
2. Missing regular health check-up
If you are under the impression that regular health check-ups for things like diabetes, cholesterol or blood pressure is meant only for specific people, then you may be wrong. Regular health check-up should be a part of your lifestyle irrespective of your body weight, and skipping one could lead to chronic health disorders at later stage.
3. Eating the wrong way and skipping exercises
Eating right doesn’t have to necessarily mean eating calorie controlled snacks or food. Here, moderation and eating the right way is the key. Fad diets, crash diets, low calorie diets are only known to aggravate eating disorder than controlling accumulation of fat. Thus, follow the principle of burning what you eat with a good mix of exercise; this can help your body convert fat into energy.
Steps to ensure a healthy lifestyle
• Do not get obsessed or stressed with your body weight. Instead focus on adapting a healthy lifestyle. Drastic lifestyle changes to lose weight may not be futuristic but would only end up disturbing your metabolism and immune system.
• Make health check-up a part of your lifestyle. Opt for an annual master health check up or blood test to pick-up early signs of low HDL cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure to address them on time.
• Mental wellness could also go a long way in giving you a sound health. Yoga or meditation could be a great way to achieve this.
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