Destress with Art
How often have you seen a painting on the wall or a sculpture in a museum, and felt incredibly moved by what you saw? Have you found yourself feeling moved or healed by listening to music? Art has a fantastic healing effect that can help shift your mind and body – and indulging in art therapy is one of the best ways to ensure that you remain healthy, while also being fully in tune with the world around you.
Here are some of the advantages of art therapy.
1. Indulging in art as a passion can help you get things off your chest without actually having to talk about it. It can help you calm down and address a situation better.
2. Art therapy is a helpful way to channelise your energies into something that is more expressive, more creative and more healing centric.
3. Art therapy is an extremely useful way to address trauma. Sometimes, the impact of a trauma may be too disparaging on the health and mind of an individual – and this can culminate in illness. By siphoning out the impact of the trauma, the mind is liberated
4. You don’t have to be an artist before you take it as therapy – you can draw or paint or sing or dance to your heart’s content, and it doesn’t bind you with rules of any kind. It leaves you feeling accomplished because all that you create is purely a result of your own effort.
5. Art can work as a brilliant meditative ritual and channel your inner creative process.
Indulge in some of these simple art therapy projects:
6. Design your own handmade cards for your loved ones. Pour in your emotional attachment into your design and allow it to guide the final product.
7. Listen to music and indulge in a round of dance, with which the energy in you is creatively channelled.
8.Give your fear and anger expression in the form of a painting. Once you express it in colour and diagram, you will tend to feel a lot better.
9. Listen to music of your inclination – if you’re feeling angry, listen to something with beats, and try to get the anger out of your system. If you’re feeling sad, listen to an uplifting tune and dance along.