DIY to Save Environment and Your health

Climate change, pollution and environmental denudation are a very big threat for the future of the world. The environment around us changes constantly and there is an increase in the amount of redundancy it faces, given how much we impinge on it for our every need. With these negative impacts that the environment around us faces, there is an automatic spill-over effect into our health, as we derive our main sources of sustenance from the environment around us. It is a real threat to us in every sense of the term, that the environment continues to sustain damage because of all the over exploitation and pollution that we’ve been indulging in. Here are some ways in which you can stay healthy and keep your environment healthy, too!
– Conserve energy and turn off all the lights and appliances around you when you don’t use them. This will ensure that you also remain free of any radiation or harmful rays.
– Avoid using plastic, and instead, opt for cloth and recycled paper, so that your own environment is free of any harmful substances, so you remain healthy, too.
– Use eco-friendly transportation – either walk or take to bicycling – that way, your health remains in order and the environment is protected without unnecessary pollution.
– When you have whey – or stock, from chicken, rice or other boiled foods, reuse it in your cooking as it is full of nutrients from the substance you boiled in it in the first place.
– Collect the water you use to wash your fruits and vegetables and use it to water your plants and garden.
– Reduce the use of air conditioners to the best extent possible. While doing so will protect the environment by reducing the wastage of electricity and energy, it will also ensure that you are not dehydrated from prolonged use of air conditioning.
– Instead of using air fresheners and purifiers that use chemicals, use aroma oils and dried flowers with natural and woody scents, or even natural incense sticks. This will also keep you free of allergies and infections of every kind, and will not pollute the environment around you.
– Opt for organic food when it comes to choosing your fruits, vegetables and grains. It might be a little more expensive, but it pays off because you won’t have to pay frightfully high bills to hospitals and medical centres to remedy your health.


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