Do Aphrodisiacs have health benefits?

Today on the show, the discussion revolved around natural aphrodisiacs and their health benefits.
It is known that there are some foods that act as natural aphrodisiacs and boost the libido temporarily, but it is a lesser known fact that many of these also help in general wellbeing and health.
RJ Jane introduces the guests for the day, Chef Megha Balasubramaniam , and Dr.Lakshmanan.
A caller asks them if there is any natural aphrodisiac ingredient that helps fight ageing.
Chef Megha says that her secret is that the first thing in the morning, before eating anything, she takes a cup of warm water with honey and lime, and a pod of raw garlic. She feels that this habit is a gives you a great start and energises your day.
Dr. Laxman and Jane talk about how in today’s day and age, work, stress and environmental factors like pollution, lifestyles and imbalanced diet have resulted in the ageing process starting earlier than ever in most young professionals. Dr. Lakshman agrees with Chef Megha. He says that the most important aphrodisiac is found in lime, and it also helps fight signs of ageing. He goes a step further saying that a fresh fruit diet has enough multivitamins and anti oxidants and is better than resorting to health supplements like many people do these days. He says that for men, testosterone is what drives the libido. More often than not, the initial hurdle is just a mind block. They lose 200 calories during sex as it takes a lot of energy, so it can be physical as well.
Another caller poses a query about which foods enhance a mans virility.
Chef megha responds that the most common aphrodisiacs for men are chilli and chocolate in limited quantities. This releases an enzyme in the body that increases a man’s libido immediately.
Jane asks the Doctor if there are such things as anti-aphrodisiacs that have the opposite effect.
Dr. Laxman says that it is important to eat in lighter quantities. If you’ve had a very heavy meal high in calories, it takes up too much of the blood supply. Even aphrodisiac foods will not act as an aphrodisiac if taken in very high quantities. He adds that some medication can also have a negating effect on aphrodisiacs. Even aspirins and common cold medication can kill the mood.
In conclusion Chef Megha says to enjoy the month of love with your partner, and that it may be a good idea to have a Valentine’s day once a fortnight for yourselves, while Dr. Lakshman thinks that If couples have a good mindset, Valentine’s Day can be all year long!