Don’t sit your way into a Back Problem!

Many a time, when our lifestyles are sedentary, we wind up confined to a state of low fitness and physical incapacity. You can’t benefit much from a sedentary lifestyle – for sitting for too long has very damaging effects on one’s body, mind and health. When you sit for very long, your body becomes accustomed to a stooping posture – and this can cause a hunch, a bad back posture, the accumulation of weight in and around your bottom, and also a case of chronic low back pain. Your best bet is to find a way to adopt a less sedentary lifestyle – but that isn’t always possible.
Here are some sure shot ways to help prevent back pain with just a few moments of exercise during your day, regardless of whether you are at home or at work. Here are some useful few ways to do just that.
– Get up from your spot and take a brisk walk every now and then, no matter the distance. There are plenty of instances where you take a break while at work, to perhaps grab some coffee or to just munch a snack in the cafeteria. Instead of looking for a snack, a better alternative for you would be to take a nice, brisk walk and return to your desk. The burst of adrenaline and the exposure to the spaces outside the confines of your workstation can make you a whole lot more productive and your body on active mode.
Whenever you can, for a burst of energy, jog on the spot, getting up every now and then Sure, it probably sounds like a random activity to throw into your workday, but if you get off your desk and run on the spot for a good minute’s worth every few hours, you give your body a burst of energy, and helps circulation, which keeps you mentally and physically active. The exercise is a perfect way to give your body a cardio boost, and engage your body in entirety.
– If you already have a very bad back issue, make sure that you do not remain seated for long. Every few hours, get up and walk a short distance before you come in. As much as you can, always keep a good posture while at your desk – don’t hunch over or become too stiff in the way you sit and move about.
– Make sure to include the regular activities of bending, stretching, squatting and reaching in your everyday activities. This will help keep your body flexible, supple and the blood in circulation.
– Knee lifts and leg lifts help to tone your quadriceps, inner thighs and abs. Sit on the edge of the chair, extend your leg out straight with the other foot on the floor, and then switch. Another variation is to bend your leg and lift the knees up in alternation.
Picture Courtesy : healthandherbs