Dreams are your emotions in your subconscious mind.
John Lennon once said –
“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?”
Dr Maharaja Siva Subramanian was the guest on the show today and he started by saying – “Its good to get dreams and nightmares now and then. There’s not a night where I do not get dreams or a nightmare.”
There are certain dreams which are happy and most often what we want to happen in our lives manifests as a dream. Some makes us feel bad and low, and give us negative energy. That is also a dream but since its negative it could be called a nightmare.
All our dreams and nightmares are to do with ourself . They are not random. They are something to do with your emotions and behaviours. Some associations are formed in your mind. Dreams could be a way of venting out feelings that are hidden in your mind and that have gone unexpressed.
Dreams are your emotions in your subconscious mind.
Take on your nightmares !
Dr Maharaja has 40 different professions. He said ” I was always interested in living up to my potential. If my work adds value to people I’ll do that.Many of my companies started just over night. Many of the meetings were in the night and the next day morning I would start a new venture. The weirdest profession I have done is being a mechanic. I equipped myself by just observing what the others did. I have also been a technical writer.”
A caller asked if it is possible to control one’s own dreams as in can we control the subject of our dreams,
Dr Maharaja said – Yes it can be done.. He induces his dreams quite often he said. “I choose to have good or bad dreams depending on the next day. It is very much possible to influence your dreams; but not control it!
Another caller asks if when your dreams come during the day time.. it becomes true. Is that a myth?
It’s all about what you feel. It’s just a motivational force! Dr M says that his night dreams come true and he lets his negative dreams out during the day.
Jane asks if anyone suffering from any illness .. Does hypnoses help?
Dr M says yes it is possible.. Inducing someone is as easy as switching on a tube light.
There are many people who will be able to understand what your dreams mean and signify. They need a deep level of thinking and will be able to explain what the dream means and give a meaning to the dream.
Jane says it’s good to sleep over the dreams and not think about it too much. If you have any problems .. your dreams will help you come up with an answer for it.