Eating Mindfully

Mindfulness is slowly becoming an important part of everyone’s lifestyles: whether in meditation and yoga, or in full-fledged lifestyle approaches. One of the more important ways to approach health is to look at mindfulness in eating. Whether it is out of habit or stress, or simply ignorance, we neglect our health through the way in which we eat. We binge, under-eat, eat the wrong food, or just don’t know what to eat, so we eat what’s available. Here are some simple ways to ensure that you eat mindfully!

1. Eat when you are hungry, and don’t eat for the sake of eating.
2.Understand physical hunger. There’s a difference between feelings of boredom or emotional nature, and actual pangs of hunger.
3. Eat till you are full, but not till you are stuffed. Eating should be another exercise in your day, and not the only thing you look forward to.
4. Be conscious of what you eat. Do not eat something simply because it appears attractive 5. taste the food and see that your body will not repel it, to be able to enjoy it well.
6. Avoid allowing yourself to crave food – instead, eat three square meals that are filling and healthy.
7. Never deprive yourself of any food, or over eat anything in particular.
8. Savour every morsel you eat, and enjoy the taste and the experience of eating it.
9. Tune into the taste of your meal, and delight in the texture and taste of every meal you eat.
10. Don’t stuff your face! Eat till your hunger is satiated, and be mindful of the messages that your stomach sends to your mind.
11. Never eat with guilt, anger or hatred, or any other negative emotion. You swallow it with each morsel – so enjoy all that you eat.
12. Be a flexible eater, and don’t lose your calm when it comes to not being able to eat something you like.
