Essential Nutrients for Athletes

Athletes indulge in high intensity exercises and rigorous fitness regimen to keep themselves fit and able to handle the strains of their professional needs. While the level of their workouts are significantly high, it is a no-brainer that their bodies will need to be supplemented with as much food and in high nutrition, to be able to perform to their best, and to recover swiftly from the fatigue. Generally speaking, athletes need a bit of all the nutrient groups, with the exception of fat, which should be minimal. Here are the most important nutrients for athletes and their health and well being.
– Calcium: From a young age, we are fed milk in the promise that it will help us grow strong bones and be strong as we grow older. The same logic continues to apply in the context of athletes, especially because their training and physical capacity as athletes is centred around strong bones and muscles, as their capacity to move about with agile and speed driven movements makes them what they are.
– Iron and Folate: Iron is extremely important to keep blood haemoglobin levels up, and buoyed significantly, and this is vital in an athlete whose breathing has to be in order. Iron helps keep the oxygen levels in the blood at a stable rate, so that there is no fatigue and exhaustion setting in. Ideally up to 8 mg per day for men and 18 mg per day for women can set things in order.
– Magnesium: Magnesium helps athletes especially because it can stimulate high level energy in spiking metabolism, and is essential for those who train with very rigorous and strenuous sessions.
– Sodium and Potassium: When athletes train, they lost a lot of water and salts from their body from a lot of sweating. Consequently, there is a need for electrolytes to take over, and this is where sodium and potassium find use. The muscles in the body contract and relax, and the fluid balance remains stable. Hydration is vital in an athlete’s body for his functioning, and to this end, sodium and potassium are very important nutrients as they ensure that the body remains hydrated.
– Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is very important in the synthesis of fat and protein, to release the energy that is necessary for the body to function. This need is doubly amplified in the case of athletes who need to keep their energy levels high to take on the demands of their sports.
– Vitamin D: Vitamin D is important for healthy bones and strengthened muscles. Athletes are constantly on the move and have to keep their body buoyed sufficiently in order to remain high on their fitness quotients. Exposure to sunlight in generous doses can give them the much needed Vitamin D boost.
– Vitamin E: Vitamin E is vital for the body’s immunity and health, by helping one overcome infections by viruses and microbes. It is also a vital nutrient for good circulation, and is essential for an athlete to remain robust and agile.
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