Fit, but not fine?

When most of us think about health and wellness we typically think about the physical dimension, mostly because that is how its portrayed within the media. When you think of “health”, what do you think of? A perfect body? A sound mind?
Let’s take a step back to understand what health really is!
Definition of health
According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
The basic idea of health means to be able to have the capacity to function and cope with life at an optimal level – physically, psychologically, and socially.
Definition of physical fitness
‘Physical fitness’ refers to the capacity and capability of your body to perform certain activities, based on factors such as your cardiovascular condition, muscular strength, stamina and body composition. Depending on the type of physical activity you choose, as well as how often and intensely you exercise, you may be able to improve your fitness in selected areas.
Can a person be fit but not healthy?
Exercise stops working for you the moment it becomes a matter of stress. The feel-good factor if fitness should remain in your workout. Overdoing it can lead to diminished strength, fatigue or even overeating and the other dimensions of health and wellness are out of balance.
Getting the Balance Right
Getting the right amount of exercise and following a healthy lifestyle means you can be both fit and healthy. Extremes in exercising or poor lifestyle choices can significantly impair your health. The benefits of running, for example, could be all but be cancelled out by the health risks of smoking or drinking excessive alcohol. By avoiding obvious healthy pitfalls such as tobacco or a nutritionally poor diet, you remove many of the things that can adversely affect your health.