Fitness As A Lifestyle

Staying fit is really all in your hands: for fitness is a lifestyle choice and not a burst of activity somewhere in between. It is for this reason that such things as crash diets and temporary starvation do not work to get you toned down in terms of weight. To make sure that you enjoy healthy and sustained living without compromising on the good things in life, here are a couple of fitness tips for you to swear by!
– Cut back on all things white: let go of white bread, refined flour, sugar and excess salt. White foods come with the heavy price of cholesterol and can impinge on the well-being of your heart.
– Eat whatever you want, but in moderate portions that are reasonable. Instead of starving, enjoy all that you like, but without binging.
– Workout regularly! Make sure to follow a fitness regimen that challenges your body and attacks fat through systemic muscle-building efforts.
– Sleep a minimum of 6 to 8 hours every night to ensure that your body and mind are in good health.
– Drink lots of water to ensure that you are not dehydrated, and make sure to give your body plenty of different kinds of fluids through the day if you live around hot climatic conditions.
– Snack wisely – stock up on nuts and celery sticks, and snack up on these bites rather than oily and fat filled snacks that might be impinging on your heart health!
– Make lifestyle changes. Walk about every day. Bend over, squat, stretch, reach and lift as and when you can. Take the stairs instead of using the lift, substitute a chair for a good gym ball that can keep you actively engaged.
– Spend some quality time pursuing a hobby or interest that makes you feel good about yourself, so that you can relieve yourself off the tensions of stress and demands of life.
– Find a friend to keep your efforts buoyed: sometimes, doing this with a companion can help motivate the two of you equally!
– Stay stress free by indulging in activities that allow you to stay fit mentally, and that will spill out onto the world around you, by making it all the more peaceful and calm for your well-being.
– Laugh, and be positive about life in general: remember, it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown!