Get Rid of Flabby Arms at Home

Does your arm wave in the wind every time you say good-bye to someone? Or have you always looked at those super cute sleeveless tops with a heavy sigh? Welcome to the world of flabby arms!
It’s a struggle that many people, even those who have succeeded in losing weight, experience all the time. Your flabby arms can either be due to aging or excess body fat. Either way, toning your arms is important and requires a focused approach. Lifting the right kind of weight is very crucial in toning your arms since too much weight creates muscle strain and hence can damage the tendons and too little weight won’t make a difference.
Listed below are a few simple and easy exercises you can do at home that will let you flaunt your arms in no time.

1. Shoulder Press: This is considered one of the most effective exercises as it also helps define the areas connected to the arms like the chest and the back and evenly tones out your muscle mass. Since it involves pushing away and pulling in heavy weights, it is intended for people who wish to have a muscular look. However you can always alter the weights according to your muscle strength. If you don’t have weights at home, grab some water bottles and fill them with grains.

2. Planks: Planks can initially be very strenuous but as days progress you can work your way up. Start with a 15 second plank and increase it every week. If you find it very difficult, try to balance with your knee initially till you reach a point where you are able to balance without it for at least 15 seconds. This not only helps tone your muscles but also works on the muscles of the abdomen and thighs.

3. Skipping: Skipping is one exercise that engages almost every muscle in the body and it also helps tone your body while losing weight. It’s convenient and easy to do and has a lot of cardio benefits. Skipping for 10 minutes helps you lose close to 150 calories.

4. Prayer Pose: Join your hands together high up in the air and feel the strain in your upper arm. This allows your biceps and triceps to also be engaged. Repeat this for 30 times and watch yourself reaching the world of perfect arms.

Reference: content/gallery/tank-top-arms/ p89172/page1 life/sculpt-your-dream-arms- with-these-5-easy-exercises. html/?a=viewall