Guide to a fitter you!

It’s that time of year again, when it’s impossible to get an empty dreadmill treadmill at the gym. And even as gym attendance increases, you may still find it hard to find that motivation to make good on your New Year’s resolution. Don’t worry, you are not alone.

Getting used to a fitness regimen make take some time, but before you know it, you will stop dreading your workouts and actually look forward to them. Making small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference. So make 2016 your fit year with tips from this guide.

Make A Clear Goal

Many people easily break their resolutions to lose weight or become more fit because these are general goals. Because everyone still has the happiness high from New Years, you may be excited to join a new gym or lace up new running shoes. But if you have a “New Year, new me” mentality without any defined steps along your fitness journey, you could be setting yourself up for heading right back to the couch and old habits.

If your overall goal is to lose unwanted weight, than focus on making smaller goals for the month or even week. Mini goals could include drinking more water, eating more vegetables, walking 30 minutes for three times a week or going to the gym four days a week. If your overall goal is to become more fit, sign up for a 5k race, enter in a obstacle race, or sign up for a new fitness class to keep your muscles working without reaching a plateau.


Tell people about your fitness goals so that you hold yourself accountable. No one can force you out of bed for an early workout before work but yourself, but having some fit friends can make the struggle easier. Join a local running club or set up a weekly walk with your neighbors. Those who may need an extra push should consider hiring a personal trainer through their local gym. While you might not want to shell out extra money, think of it as an investment in your health. A trainer can show you how to get the right form when working out to reduce injury and will hold you accountable for getting in your workouts. No one wants to let down their trainer!

Track Your Progress

Create a food journal to log what kinds of foods you are eating. And don’t worry, there’s plenty of apps to make it easier. Reward yourself for your hard work so you avoid feeling like you are depriving yourself from what you crave, but over time you will start to crave healthier foods the more you incorporate them in your diet rather than junk that will make you feel sluggish and sleepy. Even if you plan on working out all the time, you won’t be able to out train a poor diet. Your success rests on what you put on your plate.

There are countless fitness apps out there that count your calories, workouts, steps, distance and speed. While a new study found that health tracking apps don’t produce weight loss results by themselves, they still are a great way to track how far you have come on your fitness journey. Just remember to keep up your healthy habits so that you continue to progress.

Best Ways to Get in Shape

You have planned out your fitness goals over the year, stocked up on healthy foods and downloaded popular fitness apps. Now it’s time to get moving. Think of the last time you tried to get into shape and what worked and what wasn’t working for you.

Here are the top ways to get the best shape:

1. Exercise daily: Start slow with just 30 minutes a day. This could be a brisk walk or pop in a workout DVD you have lying around. You can also turn to YouTube for yoga or dance workouts. Alternate your activity, such as weight lifting one day, cardio the next.

2. Try something new: Like a kickboxing class, spinning or even aerial yoga. The key is to find a workout that you enjoy. The more you like an activity, whether it be swimming or rock climbing, the chances are you will want to do it.


3. Clean up your diet: We have all heard the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen.” And it’s true. Eat more veggies, limit processed and prepackaged foods and cut out sweets. Remember it’s all about portion control. Don’t forget to stay hydrated!


4. Be prepared: Getting up early to workout can be hard to do, especially when your bed is warm in the winter. Sleep in your workout clothes or lay them out the night before so you have no excuse. If you need music to run, set a playlist ahead of time. Buying new workout clothes can also motivate you to wear them during your next sweat session.

5. Get enough sleep: With that said, you still need rest to be able to function properly throughout the day. If you don’t have sleep, you won’t have the motivation to workout. Set a bedtime and don’t bring your phone or tablet under the covers with you so you can fall asleep without the distraction of Facebook.

6. Don’t make fitness a fad: There are plenty diets and fitness products that turn out to just be a fad. View your fitness journey as a lifestyle not just something you are plan on doing short-term.

7. Make it social: Last year we saw the continuing rise of fun runs, 5k races that include runners in cool costumes, neon lights and epic dance parties. Make a team and have your friends join with you. Setting a race date also helps you keep on training so you feel prepared on the big day. These races are so fun that you won’t feel like it is a workout.

8. Go on a follow spree: On days when you need an extra push, look to Instagram accounts that capture healthy lifestyles. Seeing pictures of an awesome yoga pose or a curvy frame in a squat could help you refocus and get off the couch. There are also great Facebook groups for running and other fitness lovers worth joining.

9. Lift weights: Cardio and diet can help you lose weight, but lifting weights is the best way to really see defined muscles. You don’t have to lift like body builder. Start with what you can handle and each week aim to improve.


10. Set alarms: Schedule and plan your workouts on your phone or calendar so that you are mentally prepared for your weekly fitness plan. This can help busy fitness enthusiast find and make the time to get their workouts completed.


Remember that the road to getting in shape is a process, so don’t expect to see results over night. Give your routine a month and if you see results, keep working at it. If you don’t, change it up.
