Heart Healthy Environment & You

This World Heart Day, make a commitment to yourself: to give yourself good heart health by creating environments around you that are conducive to good heart health. We live in a world that is constantly filled with stress, routes for anxiety and depression, worry and physical ill health. With this as our environmental backdrop, it is not a surprise that many of us suffer from lifestyle diseases and conditions of ill health. An enabling environment can do wonders in retaining good health. Here are a few ways to ensure that you have a heart healthy environment around you:
• Avoid indulgence in bad habits – smoking, drinking too much alcohol and even taking to drugs is dangerous for your heart.
• Eat healthy, by giving your body nutritious food that is not demanding on the body and mind.
• Avoid fatty food, food that is too heavily cooked
• Avoid refined and processed foods that are filled with ingredients that can damage your heart health and wellbeing
• Exercise regularly by allowing yourself time to keep your cardio and conditioning routines alive and well.
• Snack healthy with good options that keep your body nutritionally strong, while your stomach remains filled
• Do not live a sedentary lifestyle, always adopt sustainable measures of factoring fitness into your everyday being and approach.
• Increase your social interactions and make choices to stay happy as much as you can, for it is in gregariousness that you find good health that is sustainable.
• Keep stress and tension at bay by adopting practices such as writing journals, taking counselling assistance wherever needed.
• Practice yoga, meditation and / or pranayam with some regularity to keep your mind and body well stocked and healthy on the de-stress routes.
Picture Courtesy : www.healthshare.co.za &wikipedia