History and Origin of Yoga

Srimathi runs a yogashala in R.A.Puram. She is an expert in Aashangavinyasi yoga which is basically a systematic way of doing Asanas. Srimathi has been teaching for the past 15 years.

We also had with us on the show Ms. Nikareka Prem who started Yoga in the year 2010. Within 4 years, she competed in international competitions and has won 9 medals. At the age of 3 she started swimming. She is also a ballet dancer and an expert in gymnastics. When she realised that she did not have the time to practice all 3, she decided to take up Yoga.

Srimathi tells us about the history and origin of Yoga. In our Indian tradition all our knowledge has come from Vedas and so has yoga.  A few centuries later Yoga was refined by the Rishis who performed Yoga on a regular basis & a few centuries hence, there was a need to present Yoga in a more systematic manner which was done by Patanjali. Until then there was no exact procedure to do Yoga.

Each one who wants to learn Yoga comes with a different need. Some people come for meditation, some for help with breathing exercises, some to cool their body down or to get rid of body aches.

Yoga is viewed as sacred in some ways, within the Indian context. It has also achieved wide international recognition. Yoga helps you channelizing your own energy. It is a spiritual way of attaining happiness.

A true yogi can have a number of siddhis or special powers which are really a honing or sharpening one’s senses. 

Srimathi practices yoga everyday for 2 hours and she teaches yoga for 8 hours a day. Thus, the blissfulness from inside and outside.

Children can start from the age of 5. Yoga can be practised at any age. Each age will have something to practice which is age and ability appropriate. They can choose a level, and depending on their problem they can practice yoga upto a certain level.

Nikaerka plans to get into sports medicine. Combining sports and yoga for healing and pain management. Yoga reaches a person at a more internal level, which is not only physical and thus yoga is for everyone and is important for everyone’s health.