How to Treat summer cold & cough

As temperatures soar, you tend to gravitate towards anything cold – be it an air conditioned room or car, or even cold water and juices. This drastic change causes chaos in your body and gives rise to problems such as a cold, cough, fever, body ache and more.
Depending on allopathic medicines all the time isn’t a good idea as they are bound to cause unnecessary side effects in the long run. Instead, try home remedies that are easy, quick and effective in curing those irritating sneezes, runny nose and other symptoms without causing any side effects.
A speedy recovery depends on what you eat, how much fluid you drink and what activities you engage in. Thus, the chances of recovering improve if you rest as well as maintain a diet that is a mix of fluids and healthy home-cooked food.
Here are a few tips that can help you cure your summer cold and cough:
1. To cure a sore throat, gargle daily using hot water with a pinch of salt in it.
2. Wash your hands throughout the day with warm water and soap to avoid spread of germs. Keep hand sanitizers handy in case you are at a public place.
3. Drinking ample liquids such as water, fresh fruit juices, etc. These will help you maintain your body fluids and prevent dehydration.
4. Warm water mixed with a spoon of turmeric, ginger and honey can help relieve body ache, cold and head ache.
5. You can even try steam inhalation to get rid of a blocked nose. Adding eucalyptus oil in hot water can bring an instant relief as well.
6. Adding Tulsi leaves, crushed ginger and a pinch of black pepper while preparing tea is a tasty and sure way to relieve a cough and cold.
7. Spend some time out in the sun as its rays can help kill cold viruses. However, do not engage in any strenuous activity.
8. Though it is tough to keep indoors when there is so much going on in the outside world, exercise your self-control to allow your body to heal.
The next time you catch a cold, try these home remedies before popping a pill.