
It’s been a stressful day at work. As you return home, all you want is to relax and forget the cacophonous world around. How about a relaxing hot water bath? – A perfect way to end your tiredness, and rejuvenate your senses. This use of water to treat both stress and relieve pain is known as hydrotherapy.
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy dates back to the ancient Greeks, where it has been used to treat medical as well as spiritual complaints, such as insomnia, alcoholism, arthritis etc. Hydrotherapy is based on the theory that water has properties that give it the ability to heal. From storing heat and energy, to dissolved minerals and salts, water helps in blood flow and has a soothing and calming effect on the body.
Having said that, hydrotherapy however differs from swimming as it involves special exercises that you do in a warm-water pool. The water temperature varies from 33-36 degrees Celsius, which is warmer than a swimming pool.
Forms of Hydrotherapy
There are two forms of hydrotherapy: External and Internal. External Hydrotherapy is a good way to relieve swollen joints and reduce the stress in the body by letting your body float in a warm pool or tub of water. The basic idea being that the more you do it, the more you benefit.
Internal hydrotherapy is specifically used to treat gut problems such as constipation, bloating, headaches etc.
Types of Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy does not really involve any special arrangements. The following are some of the ways in which you can experience hydrotherapy:
1. Home Bath: Fill you bath tub with warm water, bath oils or aromatherapy oils etc. Immerse your body in it and relax. You can even use candles on the side.
2. Sauna: This involves using dry heat to clean out pores and relieve the day’s stress.
3. Turkish bath or Hamman: This involves wet heat and does exactly what sauna does but in a different environment.
4. Sitz bath: In this, you can soak one foot in a tub of hot water and the other in a tub of cold water, and then alternate. This is good for treating haemorrhoids and menstrual problems.
5. Whirlpool bath: This is a form of bubble bath that makes you relax and enjoy.
How does it help?
Hydrotherapy can help your body in a number of varying ways.
– Your muscles tend to relax and your joints release the pain due to the warmth of the water. This in turn helps you to exercise.
– As the weight of your body is supported by water, this helps relieve pain and increases your joint movements.
– The water can be also used to provide resistance to your joint movements. If you push your arms and legs against the water, you improve your muscle strength.
Summer has already set in, and the mercury has been on the rise, there cannot be a better way to relax your body than soaking it in a tub of water.
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