Importance of Folic Acid in your diet!

Folic acid is an integral part of your bodily nutrient needs. Besides keeping diseases at bay, it assists several body functions such as cell repair and maintenance, synthesis of DNA and metabolic processes involving amino acids. Here are some of the most important benefits of using folic acid.
– It assists pregnant women in retaining good health, and also benefits foetal health: Folic acid is an essential prerequisite for pregnant women and unborn foetuses. They help in brain and spinal cord development of the unborn child, and the deficiency of folic acid can also result in severe birth defects, such as paralysis, brain damage and still born children. Moreover, it also helps the pregnant mother retain her health and gives her the nutrient support that she needs while carrying a child.
– Folic Acid is vital in allowing the brain to function normally and to remain active: Research has shown that folic acid is vital for the normal and healthy functioning of the brain. It assists in slowing down the effects of ageing on the brain, and also assists in retaining the sharpness of the brain and its functions.
– Folic acid is vital for blood health: Folic acid is a vital element that assists and aids the production, maturation and development of red blood cells. Along with iron, folic acid is an integral solution for anaemia and helps retain high haemoglobin levels. It is also equally important for the production of white blood cells, and helps to process and synthesize iron so that the body remains in good blood health
– Folic Acid aids mental health: Studies have shown that the regular and healthy consumption of folic acid can also assist in reducing depression and other mental illnesses. It is also used in anti-depressants and keeps diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease at bay. It is supposed to have the capacity to keep memory loss and stress related tensions at bay.
– Keeps heart health preserved: Folic acid is vital in the retention of good heart health. It has the ability to regulate blood pressure and keep things like strokes and cardiac arrests at bay. It is also a vital element in ensuring that the toxic compound, homocysteine, which causes severe arterial damage, is removed from the bloodstream.
– Folic Acid prevents Type-2 diabetes: Since folic acid is capable of incrementing metabolism, it can also increase the breakdown of triglycerides, or the fats present in the blood. In the process, the blood levels gain a stable level of triglycerides that are associated with obesity and therefore reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes.
– Keeps Cancer at bay: Given that Folic Acid can help healthy and normal cell division and repair in the DNA, it is a vital element in preventing cancer.
One little dose of Vitamin B9 is all it takes to stay in good health! Some of the more common foods that have rich resources of folic acid include lentils, beans, peas and even dark green vegetables. The benefits of folic acid are manifold – ranging from full-fledged heart health to even keeping strokes at bay. Folic acid is typically Vitamin B9, and has tremendous value for the human body.