Is India Getting Fatter by the Day?

By 2025, India will have over 17 million obese children and this number will continue to rise. Children have lower health-related or medical problems compared to adults. However, obese children are at a much higher risk of developing chronic diseases later in their lifetime.
What causes obesity in children?
There are many factors that contribute to obesity in children. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these.
A child’s diet and their level of physical activity determines their weight. These days, most kids are inactive. They live a sedentary life, the pressure at school to do well in exams is more intense than ever, and whatever little spare time they get is spent on video games, mobile phones or social media.
What diseases are obese children at risk for?
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Early heart disease
- Diabetes
- Bone problems
Obesity leads to a host of other health problems including hypertension and diabetes. India is on track to get the unenviable title of the diabetic capital of the world as soon as 2025 with more than 65 million Indians already suffering from the disease.
How Do I Know if My Child Is Overweight?
To determine whether or not your child is overweight, consult your child’s. He or she will determine whether or not your child is overweight by measuring their ”BMI,” or body mass index.
How Can I Help My Overweight Child?
If your child is overweight, it is very important that you allow him or her to know that you will be supportive. What a child feels about themselves is mostly based on their parents’ feelings about them, and if you accept your child the way they are, they are more likely to feel good about themselves. It is also important to talk to your children about their weight, allowing them to share their concerns with you.
How Can I Indulge My Family in Healthful Habits?
- Be a role model- If your children see you being physically active and having fun, they are more likely to adapt fitness into their lifestyle
- Plan family activities that include physical exercises such as walking, biking, or swimming.
- Try to reduce the amount of time you and your family spend in sedentary activities, such as watching TV or in video gaming.
Whatever approach parents choose to take regarding an overweight child, the purpose is not to make physical activity and following a healthy diet a chore, but to make the most of the opportunities you and your family have to be active and healthy.