Is Snoring a Problem for You?

Snoring is such a serious problem in the world that it has even been the prime reason for couples to split! About half the population in the world snores at some point in their life even if they don’t snore regularly. It is more common in men than in women and about 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women have found to be habitual snorers. People snore for different reasons and it is not a very serious disorder as long as it doesn’t disturb the quality of your sleep. Cases like sleep apnea need immediate medical support as they hinder the normal functioning of the lungs where people intermittently stop breathing thereby posing a lot of health risks. Snoring can be cured naturally if you know what causes it. In most cases, it is caused by sinus infections, nasal congestions or simply because of being overweight.
Read below and try to pinpoint why you snore:
Closed mouth snoring: Problem in your tongue/ nasal pathway
Snoring with your mouth wide open: Problem with the tissues in your throat
Snoring regardless of position: Indicates a more serious problem and requires medical attention
Here are a few natural tips that might help you get rid of snoring:
1. Keep your bedroom humid: Dry air and congestion are often the most common stimulators for snoring. Try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil or vaporizer to clear your nose blocks.
2. Change your sleeping position: Try sleeping on your back instead of your neck and make sure you use a good pillow to ensure that your neck muscles are not crimped.
3. Tennis ball trick: Attach a tennis ball to the back of your t-shirt so that it stops you from rolling over and sleeping on your back. Do this regularly until sleeping on your side becomes a habit.
4. Throat exercises: Try doing these exercises to overcome this issue. You can repeat the vowels (a-e-i-o-u) loudly for three minutes 5 times a day. Following this exercise, try to purse your lips and remain in that position for 30 seconds-repeat this 5 times and keep doing this for 5-7 times a day.
5. Clear your nasal passage: It is inevitable that your respiratory system that includes your nose, mouth, respiratory tract and your lungs remain in a healthy condition free from blockages. In case you have some blockages, try clearing them by blowing them out or using a nasal spray before you hit the bed.
6. Avoid alcohol and smoking in the night time and drink water before you sleep.
7. Keep a sleep schedule: Keep track of your sleeping behaviour and make sure you maintain a steady schedule. If possible, ask your partner to maintain a sleep journal where your partner can record your various sleeping positions and see if they have any influence on your sleep.
References: snoring-remedies ten-tips-stop-snoring/