Is Worrying your Super Power? 

The festive season may be associated with fun and relaxing moments for many of us, but there are also a few in the crowd who start getting anxious thinking about the things they need to do to prepare for the season – be it at work or at home.  Sometimes it  gets so overwhelming that it brings in more stress than usual. The best way to enjoy a worry-free life is to calm down and not push yourself to the limit of being overwhelmed or frustrated.
Before stress can hit you, start practicing these quick and easy ways to keep your cool, no matter what!
1. Massage
What’s more soothing than a relaxing shoulder massage? Get somebody to help you with this because massages are a proven way to instantly calm your stressed mind. If there’s  no one around, you can always opt for a hand massage which you can do yourself by gently pressing your palms.

Massage of human foot in spa salon

2. Mindful Sighing
Sighing can be a natural reaction to a particular situation but research has proven that when you mindfully do it, i.e. when you breathe in to a count of five through your mouth and then let it out for 15-20 times, it instantly boosts your energy levels up.

3. Monkey Stretches

These stretches are powerful relievers of jitters and panics. When you do these stretches you tend to work your arms by lifting them up and bending down to touch your feet. When you keep alternating your hands and legs, these stimulate the neuro-centres of the brain responsible for triggering the happy hormones.

4. Coax your pet

You can be a dog lover or a cat lover. At the end of the day, playing with your pets has been proven to increase your body’s endorphin level thereby relieving you of unwanted tension and stress.

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5. Hug yourself

It is not without a reason that people hug when they are happy and also do it when they are in need of some consolation. Similarly, self-hugs induce happiness too. A ten second self-hug a day can stimulate your biochemical and psychological systems in your body and reduce any kind of fatigue.

6. Shake & Shake

Animals like antelopes try to come out of their panic mode when they see predators by shaking their body. It has been proven that humans can indulge in this technique too for 15 minutes a day, where they just have to keep moving and shaking their body parts. This may not be an elegant sight to watch but it definitely has some psychological benefits.


References: es/productivity/7-quick-ways- calm-down-when-you-are-overwhe lmed.html columns/therese-borchard-sanit y-break/10-quick-ways-to-calm- down/