Keep Your Heart Healthy!

If you hold your hand in a fist and look at it for a second, it might seem like a rather tiny thing. But just pause there for a second: this very tiny thing is indicative of the size of your heart. Surprised? You bet: imagine, this tiny organ does so much work to keep you alive and healthy. Don’t you have an obligation to ensure that it remains healthy?
Statistics have revealed that there are over 65000 women who suffer a heart attack each year, and women are three times more likely to die from heart diseases than from breast cancer. However, not many realise that they are vulnerable to heart disease, and often, the condition is neglected as something that only happens to others. While the thought of heart disease can be scary and might make you cringe, the fact is, that you have the solutions in hand to keep it at bay.
Here are a few things you can do to ensure that your heart remains healthy.
1. Eat right, in moderate portions and cover all the nutrients in proportions that suit your age and dietary needs.
2. Make sure to keep a workout regimen active on your daily activities, and that you follow through. Always ensure to do different kinds of workouts so that your body does not plateau.
3. Indulge in a healthy lifestyle that involves a lot of activity: where you can, move physically by walking or climbing stairs, squatting, bending, crouching and reaching.
4. Keep an eye on your eyes. Regular eye checkups are the first way to find out if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, both of which can cause heart conditions. If checked earlier, you can nip it in the bud.
5. Unwind, de-stress and do things that give you happiness. Make sure to channelize your energy and find a way to get rid of anything that weighs you down.
6. Keep your cholesterol levels well within range, by eating healthy and opting for meal options that do not clog your arteries.
7. Avoid anything white and refined in your diet: white refined flour, milk in excesses and the like.
8. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and nuts for your body to absorb nutrients easily. Wherever possible, make sure to eat a considerable amount of fibre so that your digestion improves and keeps you healthy.
9. Get sound sleep every day. Sleeping at the same time and waking up at the same time everyday is of immense value since it keeps you healthy. Make sure to get at least six hours of sleep every day.
10. Reduce the consumption of heavy cholesterol food and indulging in food that is deep fried.
11. Do not indulge in substance abuse of any kind: be it alcohol or tobacco, or any other kind of substance that can indulge your heart in ill health.
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