Make a resolution and Stick to It!

This new year, make a commitment to your health, both in mind and body. Your state of mind of an individual affects his physical wellbeing and wellness. As they say, you are what you think, and a healthy mind means a healthy body. Staying healthy is really a choice: and before you decide to dismiss this as a run off the mill statement, hold on. There are many people in the world who have proved this. Here’s your guide to some of the healthy resolutions you should be making this year!


– That you will spend time in the outdoors and with nature: Allow your mind to breathe while your body does, expanding with space and light and soaking in good vibes. Go for a walk in the mornings or the evenings, and admire the scenes around you without worrying about anything.


– That you will exercise regularly: The more you exercise, the more your body begins to release endorphins, or feel good hormones. This, in turn, keeps your mind relaxed and body healthy, all because you feel happy.

– That you will eat healthy: When you deprive your body of food and energy, you wind up struggling under depression, anxiety and withdrawal symptoms that also make you feel fatigued and exhausted. Eating healthy helps your body stay supple and your mind, robust.

– That you will get enough rest and sleep: When you remain active each day, your body uses up a lot of its energy and needs to recharge. To do this, it needs sleep. When your body loses sleep, it loses the capacity to function normally, and the mind becomes tired and fatigued, so you fail to coordinate and remember things, and stay in a good mood, too.

– That you will drink enough water: When your body is dehydrated and loses its water and essential salts, which in turn leaves the mind bereft of its supply of energy. Dehydration can cause the mind to struggle with fatigue, anxiety and forgetfulness.

– That you will spend time in the company of others: Be gregarious and allow yourself to laugh and spend time with people around you. Don’t stay cooped up indoors and in isolation

girl-863686_960_720 – remember, cry and you cry alone. Laugh, and the world laughs with you!

– That you will, sometimes, do just nothing: Sit back on your recliner or lie flat on your back and admire the skies above, and enjoy spending time just relaxing. When you do nothing, your mind and brains recharge quicker and you become more productive.

– That you will refrain from unnecessary substance abuse.
