Overcoming Ennui

“I am in a job I don’t like. I can’t afford to quit for it pays the mortgage on the house I am living in.This typical ennui, the feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from lack of interest is a problem of many. This could be because of a person you are living with, or with the travel full of traffic jams that you have to pass by to work, or with the tasteless food self cooked in a bachelor life or etc.

But the reason causing the mental weariness is because of lack of interest. So where is exactly the point that satiety popping in? The lack of basic desire is the root cause of all these boredom.

The key to the keys is a basic desire — an “I want to” — because without that base-line motivation, no further key in the room of choices will work.

Is there a step by step process that one can do to overcome this? Or is there a motivational pill that one can pop in to get out this boredom. One sure cannot expect a Yes to these questions. Overcoming boredom involves the very basic desire of “wanting to overcome it” in first place.

Thus, any suggestion of keys (in the room of choices) to overcoming boredom must not involve going out and meeting others, reading, going to church or to the library, or even breaking through the barriers that cause ennui. Any suggestion for overcoming boredom must first address the lack of desire. How does anyone light that spark or re-invigorate basic motivation?

There are many benefits to a personal change. Now is the time to combat boredom more directly.

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Image Courtesy: http://www.webmd.com/

Content Courtesy: http://essaysandthensome.blogspot.in/2011/07/keys-to-overcoming-boredom-entering.html