Preventing Heart Diseases

Make a fist with your hand and hold it up: that’s how big your heart is. Just imagine how much work it does, for an organ that’s really actually pretty small! Makes you feel pretty responsible to take care of it, doesn’t it? Heart health is extremely important not only for longevity, but also for a life of good quality. There are certain things that are beyond your control – such as heredity, age and perhaps even location-centric hazards that may expose you to pollution and such. But, there are a lot of times when the ball is in your court to keep your heart healthy. Here are five pointers you can keep in mind to keep heart diseases at bay.
– Avoid Substance Abuse of any kind: Smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and even drug use can be disparaging for your heart. Did you know that smoking increases your vulnerability to a heart ailment by filling your bloodstream with toxic gas? Or that heavy alcohol consumption can trouble your liver enough to affect your heart health? Quitting addictions to cigarettes and alcohol can bring you back to good health in a matter of a few years after drawing the line.
– Get off your couch and move! Sedentary lifestyles are dangerous for your heart health. By preferring to avoid exercise, your heart is forced to pump blood for a body that is laden with high cholesterol and fat – while also combating the pressures of high blood pressure and diabetes. A good amount of exercise every day, coupled with a more mobile living can help your heart stay healthy. Use the stairs instead of the lift. Make sure to include routines of bending, stretching, squatting and reaching in your everyday activities.
– Eat healthy! Sure, it’s terribly easy to pop frozen food in the microwave or to snack on a bag of potato chips, or to grab a bottle of soda to quench your thirst. But it’s also terribly destructive to your health! Substitute fried snacks with healthy options – such as nuts, and carrot, celery and cucumber sticks. Drink green tea instead of coffee, and keep your food portions to a minimum. Snacking between meals is not the best way to go, but if you simply must, eat something healthy instead!
– Get some sleep! Did you know that sleep deprivation makes you vulnerable to an unhealthy heart? You are more vulnerable to obesity, high blood pressure, depression and even heart attacks, if you don’t sleep enough. Set a good sleep schedule and stick to it. A minimum of six to eight hours of sleep is an absolute necessity for your heart to function well.
– Keep stress at bay! Of course you are busy: even while you read this article, your mind is probably wandering off to worry about work pressures and family demands. Stop. Breathe. Relax. Spend some time unwinding each day: listen to good music, read, walk about, talk to friends and family in person, play with a pet, and let your mind feel light. Don’t soak in stress: it increases your blood pressure and heightens the tension your heart has to deal with.
It is never too early to start to keep your heart healthy. Your heart never rests: it’s an engine that runs for as long as you live. You have a duty to take care of it if you want a good, long and healthy life. Remember, these are lifestyle choices, and not one-day or two-day affairs, so make that commitment now!