Protect Your Eyes This Summer!

Come summer, and the soaring temperatures can be a terrible impingement on your body. One of the more vulnerable body parts to rising summer temperatures are your eyes. Be they allergies or infections, your eyes could wind up with anything from sore eyes, red eyes, conjunctivitis and migraines. We have some simple tips for you to follow to make sure that your eyes are protected and stay healthy this summer.
– Make sure that you protect your eyes from sunlight. The best way to do this is to use protective sunglasses of the wraparound kind, so that they absorb at least 99 percent of the Ultra Violet Rays – UVA and UVB – from the sun. Doing this will keep you away from suffering migraines and cataract.
– If you are a swimmer, or you choose to make the pool your respite avenue for the summer, make sure that you use goggles to avoid contracting eye infections and allergies from the water.
– When you look to clean your eyes, never rub or clean them with unclean hands. If you are outdoors, in public places, or have just returned from public places where you held onto different things, use hand sanitisers or wash your hands to get rid of infections before you touch your eyes.
– Never splash water inside your eyes, because this affects your tear film by washing it away. It is a protective layer for your eyes, so you should be washing your eyes only when dust gets in, or foreign particles enter them.
– Make it a point to wash your face and hands every time you are back home from outside. Summer, and the pollution make you vulnerable to contracting infections of every kind, so you need to make sure that nothing from outside – dust, grime, germs, allergents or infection, enter your eyes and leaves you with allergies.
– When you have a tendency for allergic reactions, avoid using perfumes and cosmetics, and avoid going around spaces that have dust, pollen, mould and even smoke. If you do wind up with an allergy, you can spot it by looking for signs of redness, itching, burning and puffiness. They may or may not be related to nasal allergies, so the best thing to do is to get in touch with your doctor.
– Another common occurrence is the accumulation of dead cells and germs, which results in bacterial infection, causing sties in your eyes. The key to avoiding sties is to ensure that you have good quality eyelid hygiene. How can you do this? Gently exfoliate your eyelids once in fifteen days in order to get rid of dead cells. Avoid using heavy cosmetics or cosmetics past their expiry dates, dirty towels and contaminated hands on your eyes.
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