Simple Ways to Recharge Your Mind

Just like how your body gets tired after a strenuous workout, your mind also gets tired when it is constantly squeezed to bring out your creative juices. Many a time, our mind just loses energy doing myriad things that demand attention in our daily lives leaving us weary and exhausted. During such situations, it is important to stop and refuel the mind with a few self-care measures. Research shows that people who stress themselves out for 8 continuous days had the highest incidence of depression and anxiety 10 years later. Keeping your mind relaxed and healthy is one of the key factors to long term mental well-being. Here are a few quick tips that you can essentially follow on an everyday basis to refresh and recharge:

1. Power Nap:There’s a reason why we call this short sleep a ‘power’ nap. A power nap essentially bridges the gap between sleep deficit and want of time. Brief naps (10-15 minutes) have proven to increase alertness of the brain which otherwise functioned with lesser clarity and pace. Many corporate firms these days encourage employees to have a power nap between intense work sessions as this has proved to increase workplace productivity.

2. Call someone you like:Be it a friend, spouse or family, pick up the phone and make that call. Such conversations definitely help you to distract your mind from regular work stuff and also release endorphins in your body thereby giving you the required instant energy.
3. For the love of pets:Take some time off to browse and look at cute animal pictures and videos if you really love pets. This simple act of looking at cute things will increase your ability to focus and also relieve you of some stress.

4. Take that walk:Bright daylight has the tendency to suppress melatonin, the hormone that is responsible for making you feel sleepy and sluggish. Giving your brain a few minutes of this exposure coupled with fresh air entering your body gives the instant natural mental boost.
Walking to Improve Running460

5. Magic with music:Keep that favourite playlist of yours always ready and carry it everywhere you go. Music is being used as a therapy in a lot of areas these days and has resulted in interesting results. Research also suggests that singing or even humming to the music you like, releases a lot of happy hormones in your body. So grab those headphones the next time your brain asks for energy and sing along!
