Stretches to energize your morning

Starting off your day? Let’s show you a way to start it off on a positive note! Stretch – that’s right! Stretch the moment you’re out of bed, and find yourself in a much happier space as you start your day! When you stretch, your body begins to shake off rigidity in every form, and lets your muscles wake up nice and good, so that you are good to go all day long! Here are a few stretches you should incorporate in your everyday routine:



1.        The Upper Back Stretch: Perfect for the upper back and your shoulders, this helps you buoy your upper body. Start with your feet hip-distance apart. Clasp both your hands and round your upper back, all the while keeping your arms straight. Then, concentrate on spreading your shoulder blades wide across your back. Hold this for 2 or 3 breaths and repeat once more.

chest stretch

2.          The Chest Stretch: This is great to help you release your stress and rigidity in your chest muscles, in the front of your shoulders and biceps. Stand against a wall, door, window frame or ledge or table, and hold onto it with your left arm. Step forward with the left leg and turn the body to the right, especially at the hips. Hold the stretch for about 4-5 breaths, and to increase the stretch, pivot from the hips.

oblique stretch

3. Oblique Stretch: Stretching the side of your body, the obliques, shoulders and the IT band, this stretch involves standing with your right hand on the bed or on the wall, crossing the left leg in front of the right leg and keeping your feet pointing forward. Shift your weight out into the left hip and reach your left arm up and overhead. Your body should form a long line from the ankle to the fingertips. Hold it and breathe for 2 or 3 counts and repeat on the other side.

ham string Stretch

4. Hamstring Stretch: Done standing up, all you need to do is to bring your leg up onto a bench. Keep your legs hips-distance apart and parallel to each other. Lift one leg up onto a table, bench or chair, and keep the back leg straight. Place the front foot in a flexed position. Increase the height with time for a more powerful stretch.


5. Deadlift Stretch: Perfect for your hamstrings and lower back, this involves a standing forward bend. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your knees slightly bent. Hinge forward at the hips and aAllow your upper body to hang over your legs and clasp your elbows if you want. Hold for 4-5 breaths, and slowly rise up.
