Supercharge your immunity

Your immune system is the key to your sustained good health: if you have a well developed and strong immune system, you can be sure that you can keep many infections and issues at bay. Always remember that the stronger your immune system is, the healthier you remain. To keep your immunity in check and your immune system in top shape, some important dietary inclusions are in order.
– Green tea is a perfect immune booster food, that helps release antioxidants and free radicals that help keep your body in perfect shape.
– Include foods that are rich in nutrition and that contain essential minerals that are necessary for the body to stay healthy and strong.
– Avoid processed and refined foods, particularly sugars, refined flours and processed products as they can eat into your immunity levels.
– Include cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and arugula to include Sulforaphane in your body. Rich in vitamins such as A, C and E, these vitamins encourage disease-fighting capacities through phytochemicals.
– Fruits are a very rich source of minerals and vitamins, and also contain antioxidants that can help you enhance your immune system. Citrus works great for Vitamin C, which is the best supplement to have a strong immune system in place.
– Selenium is an important mineral for your immune system to function in order. Fish, particularly the fatty kind such as salmon, mackerel and trout are exceptionally rich in resources of selenium and Omega 3 fats.
– Vegetarians can opt for Omega 3 seed sources such as flax seeds, sesame, pumpkin and watermelon seeds, which help keep diseases like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis at bay.
– Red Meats are exceptionally useful resources for the body, especially since it provides proteins and amino acids that help maintain a healthy body, with reserves of iron and zinc.
– Make sure to incorporate nuts in your diet as well – especially because of the low saturated fat and high protein, fibre and phytochemical content in them. They help boost your immune system and strengthen your body’s defenses.


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