The Art of Overcoming Procrastination

Do you know what feels better than getting work done right away? The feeling of knowing that you can afford to push it off for another day!
There is something about pushing things off for the last minute that makes us feel very comfortable at a given point in time. Some people even take pride that they do better under this “last minute pressure!”
Why do we put off things? Does it make it easier? Does it create more time?
The answer is a BIG NO – the only thing that comes out of procrastinating is more stress and chaos when you have to get something done. Not just the burden of finishing the task but the added pressure of meeting deadlines only tend to stress you out more.
Here is how you can get better, stay more organized, meet deadlines and most importantly, not procrastinate!
1. Organize your work
While it is recommended that you sit down every day and put down a list of things to do – if this seems too tedious, just roughly plan ahead for the week.
Having your tasks written down on paper makes you feel like you have to finish it and the feeling of “checking off” a task can actually motivate you.
2. Be Realistic
Why does procrastinating happen? Sometimes because you believed you had time for something but you actually don’t!
Stop setting lofty goals on a daily basis because that way you are either going to push off work or get burnt out.
3. Learn to Say No
Why do most people who put off tasks say they are too busy to complete their own work?
Probably because they are saying “yes” to a lot of other tasks that people are constantly asking them to do.
Defining your priorities and saying “No” when you have to will go a long way in ensuring you are not pushing off important things to do.
4. If it can be done in five minutes…. DO IT NOW!
If there is a task that can be done right away or if it will take you only five minutes to do – making a phone call, replying to an e-mail or doing a quick review, do it right away!
Pushing this for later only means that you are brushing work under the carpet and it would probably never get done and what started as a small task would become a major to-do on your list!
5. Give yourself rewards
It is very difficult to keep up the motivation to not push off things – so when you do well, make sure you reward yourself by watching that one episode of a show you want to or by taking a small break.
Fair warning here – don’t get lost in the moment and forget the other tasks that are waiting for you!
6. Imperfect is okay
One of the major reasons people procrastinate is because they want their work or tasks to be perfect before delivery – sometimes imperfection is okay! While it is important to pay attention to detail and complete tasks with accuracy, make sure you do not compromise on deadlines and push off things just because you are waiting to do them perfectly.