The Benefits of Steam & Sauna

The topic of discussion for the day was the effectiveness of steam baths and saunas. The expert guest was Usha Sri – a fitness and injury prevention expert.
To begin with, Usha gives us some of the benefits of steam and sauna, being that It flushes out all your toxins and sometimes also melts the fat right under the skin.
She says that in our climate conditions, it is not advisable to go for a steam or sauna too often. Ideally it should not be more than once in 15 days.
It is also not advisable for individuals who have medical issues, so it would be best to consult a doctor first before deciding to go for it.
Usha says that a steam or sauna can help in relaxing you. Just 15-20 minutes can soothe you and flush out all your negativity. She says that it doesn’t burn many calories, but it does burn fat. Spending too long in the sauna will dehydrate you. So it is important to drink lots of water before going for one.
Originally, it was Finland developed this mode of heat therapy. It’s main benefit is detoxification. Most human beings come in contact with at least 10 types of chemicals in a day. These chemicals and toxins pass out through pores in the form of sweat. Some of the other benefits of steam & sauna are improved circulation, strengthening of the immune system, stress and pain relief, skin cleansing, and even results in a better sleep cycle.
When people spend all their time in the AC, at home, at offices and even in Gyms, they don’t sweat much in general, which is why a sauna or steam is a good idea.
Before going for a steam or sauna, one has to be properly hydrated. It is recommended that one drinks at least 2-3 glasses of water before going for a steam. After the steam as well, one has to re-hydrate and ensure the get right amount of nutrition to regain strength. One doesn’t generally wear clothes in a sauna, but one can wrap themselves in a thin cotton cloth or towel instead. It can even turn into a social interaction depending on the size of the room, and the kind of company one takes with them!
Historically, saunas have been around for centuries in Turkey, Finland and many other parts of Europe. It’s recognised as a treatment for many conditions. What it does, is induce an artificial fever forcing the immune system to swing into action and cool down the body with sweat and open pores. The pulse rate also shoots up, increasing blood circulation.
It is not advisable for people with BP problems or heart and asthma problems as the increase in circulation could cause palpitations and other risks. It is also not recommended for long periods for men as it could affect their fertility. It is recommended that men limit their sauna time to 10 minutes.
People with vertigo n dizziness could also get affected by the heat of the sauna, unless they are properly hydrated and fit. It’s your safest bet to always consult a physician before going for it.
In conclusion, Usha gives us some wisdom about how to prevent injuries from sports or work outs. She says it’s important to get posture analysis done and work only with a certified fitness trainer for strength training. When starting any new form of exercise late in life, don’t get into the advance levels too soon. Always know where your limits are. Go easy on yourself. It’s not healthy to lose more than 3 kilos a month. Go step by step and stay away from programs that guarantee loss of 8-10 kilos a month! Always let your goals it be reasonable.