The Exercise Prescription

You are probably wondering how exercise can help boost your mental health…..
There are a lot of benefits of exercising – You stay fit, lose fat and as a result you look and feel better!
However, there is one more reason to exercise. Did you know that exercising can be one of the best things that you do for your mental health?
Here are a few ways in which exercise can help boost your mental health
1. Stress Reduction
Exercise is a great stress buster! Yes, it is difficult to plan your day and find some time to exercise but once you do and you are done with your workout you actually feel a lot lighter. Exercise is proven to reduce stress and boost the minds ability to deal with pressure.
2. Releases Endorphins
When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which are also commonly known as the happy hormones! Needless to say these hormones put you in a good mood and make you feel happier. In case you are suffering from depression or anxiety or just going through a tough time, exercise might just be the best mood-lifter.
3. Increases Self-confidence
Working out helps you to maintain great posture and look your best self. As a result of this, you start to become much more confident in every sphere of life and this automatically boosts your mental health.
4. Prevents cognitive decline
When you exercise, your body releases chemicals that help prevent your brain against cognitive decline. As surprising as it is, working out means that your mind stays sharper even as you grow older!
5. Helps control addictive behaviour
Exercise can be an excellent positive addiction – Are you one of those people who now feel that your day is incomplete without a great workout? You just might be on the right track! When you regularly exercise, it helps cut out cravings and helps you from not falling prey to any addictive behaviour.