The Mosquito Menace – Types of diseases one can get!

If there is one thing we all agree on, it has to be that a swarm of mosquitoes can ruin a good night’s sleep! However, if you are in a place that always has mosquitoes you might have more to worry about than just the fact that they are not letting you sleep.

Although mosquitoes are tiny and do not seem like a big problem, they are one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. They are in fact the reason for a lot of diseases and some of these diseases are even life-threatening!

Here are a few diseases that mosquitoes can cause – once you read them you will know for sure that taking precaution is not an option but a mandate!


Dengue Fever:

Dengue is one of the deadliest diseases caused by mosquitoes – the symptoms start with high fever, severe frontal headache, body pain and rashes. While you can prevent yourself from getting dengue if you are careful to not expose yourself in areas where mosquitoes are plenty, it is quite a difficult process to get treated for it.




Mosquitoes are carriers of another deadly disease called Malaria – When female anopheles mosquitoes bite human beings, malaria is transmitted. With the virus in the bloodstream, the disease can affect functioning of liver and cause chills, vomiting and severe flu.



Yellow Fever:

Common in Africa and South America, this disease is caused by a type of mosquito called Aedes aegypti. Yellow fever is a very tricky disease considering no vaccination has deemed effective in completely eliminating it!




Manageable if proper medication is taken, Chikungunya is another disease caused by mosquitoes. Skin rashes, back-pain, vomiting, fever and severe headaches are symptoms of this disease.



While most of these diseases are dangerous and deadly, remember that by taking care of a few basic things, you can completely avoid them. Wear mosquito repellents, fix mosquito nets and always make sure that there is no water-logging near your place because that is where mosquitoes breed!

