The Remedy for Joint Inflammation in Runners

Running is a great way to stay fit, get a daily dose of energy, and mentally relax. However, running is a high impact sport for your ankles, knees and hips. This generally results in runners often experiencing pain in these joints.


As much as it is important to stay active, it is also important to make sure you are not damaging your body. So take a few days between workouts to recover whenever needed.


Here are a few remedies we recommend to help runners experiencing joint pain & inflammation.


Healthy Running Practices – It is important for runners to invest in a good pair of running shoes that are suited for their feet. Visit an athletic store, and request assistance to find yourself the perfect shoe which takes into consideration your size, pronation, and unique running needs.



Cold Therapy – Use ice packs or cold compresses to reduce inflammation around these joints. This is recommended soon after joint pain occurs, as the cold temperature causes blood vessels to shrink, reducing the amount of blood flow into the area.



Heat Therapy – This is a great follow-up treatment to cold therapy. Warm baths, hot towels, or heating pads will help soothe the pain and improve circulation. This helps reduce joint stiffness and allows harmful toxins to be flushed out of the area.



Medication – If the pain persists beyond this, contact your physician. They will generally recommend non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or over-the-counter painkillers to help you with the pain.



Rest – As much as possible, give your joints some rest. Make sure you stretch between your running routines. Avoid strenuous activities like running, squatting, or standing for long periods of time. Its ok to take a few days off from your regular routine. Instead, try exercising in a different form such as yoga or water aerobics to help stretch out your muscles and strengthen them.



If you try out these remedies and still experience pain, it is best to contact your doctor. Remember, people heal at different rates, so take it easy until you’re back to normal! After all, you want to make sure you don’t do any permanent damage to your joints.