Things to keep in mind before starting yoga

Yoga has taken not just the country but the world by a storm – if you are having a conversation about fitness, odds are someone will mention about how “yoga!” is the best way to stay fit. It is not without reason that everyone seems to praise yoga. It is truly one of the best things that you can do to stay fit.
Yoga definitely brings with it a whole lot of benefits but before you decide to join a yoga class, here are somethings to keep in mind.
1. Evaluate your goals
What are your fitness goals? Do you want to quickly drop a few pounds or do you want to find something that will help keep you fit over a long period of time? Yoga is a great exercise to practise for both losing weight and staying fit but it is definitely not something that will give you instant results!
2. Decide the style of Yoga
There are different styles of yoga out there that are meant to help people with different needs – For instance a basic Hatha Class will help you stay fit and healthy where as it is good to go for a Power Yoga or Ashtanga yoga class to lose some weight. Do your research according to your goals before signing up!
3. Finding a Teacher
It is important to find a good yoga teacher who can lead your practise in a systematic and correct manner. There are many places that “claim” to teach yoga but often are not very authentic. Ensure that you find the right teacher in order to get the benefits out of yoga!
4. Evaluate your lifestyle
Yoga is not just an exercise – It is a way of life! Although you might not be able to make a lifestyle shift at one go, make sure you eat healthy and sleep on time as you start yoga as this will help you to reap maximum benefits from the routine.
5. Keep an open mind
Like all good things, the benefits of yoga will take some time to manifest into your life. Ensure that you are patient and consistent with your practise before wanting to see any results.
Reference: take-care- of-before- starting-yoga/#gref