Tone your arms in 3 moves!

Flabby arms are familiarly known as bat wings which are a common problem area, especially in women since they store more fat in their upper arms compared to men. Arm flabbiness can be a result of natural changes due to ageing. The occurrence of hormonal imbalances in women could also be one of the possible reasons.
Slice Of Health gives you three simple workout moves that can be easily incorporated into your normal routine and believe us you will have picture-perfect arms in no time!
Dumbbell Floor Press with Glute Bridge
Target- Triceps, chest and shoulders
How to- Stand straight on the floor holding dumbbells in your hands. Begin with the weights fully extended above you, palms facing one another and Lower the weights towards your shoulders until your upper arms come in contact with the floor.
Bicep Curl with Static Hold
Target- Biceps, Forearms
How to- Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length, palms of your hands facing forward. Raise right dumbbell so that the elbow is flexed at a 90-degree angle. Then, curl left dumbbell to left shoulder.
Side Lying Triceps Push-Ups
Target- Triceps and Biceps
How to- Lie on your left side (on a rolled towel or a mat ) with your legs straight and feet flexed. Bring left hand to right shoulder, place right-hand flat on the floor in front of your left shoulder. Bend your elbows to 90-degrees. Push up to straighten your right elbow while keeping your core tight.
These exercises will help you sculpt your rock-star arms and shoulders in absolutely no time and improve your overall balance, stability, and body alignment.