Travel Meets Mental Well-being

One could travel for many reasons. It could be to meet new people, see new things or even experience a new culture, etc. The perks of travelling are many and it significantly impacts your mental health in a positive way. Although business or work related travel could be stressful, sometimes the change in the environment by itself may be intellectually stimulating. It is always good to embrace opportunities that let you see things in a new perspective and travelling does exactly just that. It has a lot of mental health benefits like stress reduction and improved cognitive function. Also, while travelling you get to meet a lot of people which improves your social interaction levels and directly impacts your psychological fitness. Research shows that people who travel a lot tend to be more creative and better decision makers – thanks to all the fruitful exposure it gives.


Here we have listed the surprising benefits of travelling on your mental wellness:

· Makes your mind flexible: Staying in the same place and looking at the same things around you might result in constricting your thoughts. Travelling essentially helps loosen the rigid cognitive habits that have been a part of you and helps you open up your mind to try new things

· Gives space for creative thinking:  When you travel to new places, you see things that are indigenous to that place. As a result, you tend to imbibe those practices which will stir your imagination and give rise to creative ideas and concepts

· Helps in giving new perspective: As your mind is always active right from the time you start your travel to making your decisions based on the places you visit, it can give rise to new way of looking at things

· Social Synergy: Since you get to meet and talk to a lot of new people, you will be able to see that you tend to empathize more on the people you meet day-to-day. This in turn has a significant impact on the kind of decisions you take in life especially at the workplace

· Increased exposure: Travel puts you through different environments having different stimuli and this lets you open up and absorb things in a wider spectrum. Suddenly you feel like you’ve had experiences that can sometimes even change your personality to a certain extent

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