Treating PMS to ensure your well-being

Bloating, weight-gain, mood-swings, food-cravings and no inclination to do anything? It is not too hard to guess that these relate to pre-menstrual symptoms. You don’t have to resign yourself to the fact that this is how it is going to be every time you experience PMS.
In fact, you can be happy and healthy through the month if you manage PMS better!
Here are some things you can do to treat PMS:
1. Cut down on stimulants
Cutting down on stimulants like tea, coffee, cigarettes can make a world of difference to your menstrual health. Try avoiding them completely when you are closer to your cycle to feel much better.
2. Stay Active
Getting at least 45 minutes of activity every day – this helps ease depression and anxiety which are two dominant symptoms during your PMS. By managing these symptoms with regular exercise you are indirectly empowering yourself to feel better during your cycle.
3. Eat Healthy
Avoid the temptation to binge on sugar or something fried even if you ‘feel’ like it – it’s only going to make you feel worse! Eat green vegetables, fruits and whole grains and cut back on sugar, fat and salt.
4. Relax
Taking some time off to relax and de-stress can help reduce PMS – spend some time without your gadgets, get a massage, stretch and even simply meditating for a few minutes can help you feel a lot better.
5. Monitor your dinner time
Making it a point to not eat too much close to your bedtime – your last meal for the day should be at least 3 hours before sleeping!
6. Take supplements
Consult with a physician and understand if you are deficient in any nutrient – Fixing this will go a long way in ensuring that you feel healthy and comfortable throughout and especially during your cycle.
7. Manage stress
Whether you are dealing with deadlines at work, a high pressure job or something at home that is stressing you out – make sure you spend some time to prioritize and solve the problems that are bothering you.