Walking Boosts Brainpower

Did you know that exercise sharpens your brains abundantly? And did you know, zooming in even further, that walking can actually power your brains even more, and improve your mental faculties by leaps and bounds? Here is how that operates!
Walking has been scientifically proven to be linked to brain growth. In 2010, a study was conducted, revealing that older adults who walked a distance over 40 minutes about three times a week for a year showed signs of brain growth in the hippocampus, which is associated with spatial memory. This study also showed that individuals with very low levels of fitness and individuals in their 60s and 80s still show benefits with respect to brain health and cognitive development. In simpler terms, walking keeps the brains sharp, and capable of retaining knowledge.
With exercise of any kind, walking included, there comes greater energy and increased metabolism. This automatically keeps away a lot of lifestyle diseases, because the body becomes more pruned towards activity, and the ill consequences of a sedentary lifestyle do not subsist. In 2006, there was a review of 70 studies which all showed that there was an increase in energy when one worked out.
Exercise is known to have a good impact on the mental health of a person, in that it sharpens one’s mind and body. People are known to have been alleviated from such conditions as depression and mania, through sustained efforts in staying exercise oriented – and what’s more, exercising and walking can assist may work better than antidepressants!
Walking also creates better and stronger joints in age. One finds their joints creaky and weak where there is a manifestation of lethargy and sedentary and averse lifestyle choices. Walking is an inexpensive and simple method that works to help keep your joints supple and well supported so your body feels stronger and more able.
Walking has been proved to be a great preventive factor of premature death from cardiac issues. People who are physically active remain at a lower risk of many sudden death syndromes that come from non-exercise.
Walking encourages greater blood circulation as your body experiences movement and interface with different spaces. This helps you remain healthy and well coordinated, while you stay mobile for long, in life.
No matter what your age or lifestyle choices maybe, walking is a great thing for you. Get off your couch and get moving!
Picture Courtesy : hantswalk.org