Walking vs. Running – Which is Better?

Looking for the best types of cardio workouts? Walking and running are probably the best types of exercise you can do when it comes to staying fit. If you want to keep your heart healthy, make sure you do cardio on a regular basis. Not only does it help you stay healthy, it also helps uplift your mood.
But, which one is more beneficial – walking or running?
Comparing the two
While walking can provide many of the similar health benefits that running provides, running may be the better bet.
People expend twice as more energy running than walking – be it in a park, on a track or on the treadmill. A recent study has found that running is more beneficial for weight loss than walking. Even when runners and walkers expend same amounts of energy, runners see more results when it comes to maintaining their body mass index, maintaining their waist size and naturally regulating their appetite.
If running just isn’t in the cards for you, walking is the next best option for you to get a good cardio workout. Try walking with weighted vests to increase your metabolism rate and to shed some extra kilos.
Building a routine
Before diving into a routine, try both to see how your body reacts each kind of exercise. Doing cardio regularly at your own comfortable speed helps keep your body healthy and active. Your routine can also include a mix of both types of workouts. This will help you stay motivated and by adding short sprints to your walking, you get a calorie-burning boost. Before you start your workout, always be sure to do a proper warm-up to keep your energy levels up and prevent any kind of injuries.