Ways to Ensure Fitness this Summer

Its summer and all you really feel like eating is ice cream. Waking up is hard, working out in this heat is harder, and yet, you’d like to stick to your exercise and fitness goals as much as possible. Right? Well, its possible. Here’s how:
1) Cut yourself some slack: Don’t expect great performances in the gym or perfect nutrition a 100% of the time. The heat will make it hard for you to put in a good workout every session, and that’s ok. If you got yourself to the gym at least 3 times a week and your nutrition was good 80% of the time, consider it done and dusted. You’ll see results anyway just because your body is working way harder than you think it is.
2) Stay hydrated: There’s nothing cool or new age about water, but it is a game changer. Dehydration can lead to poor energy levels, decreased performance in the gym, constipation and other more serious illnesses.
Drink at least 200 ml of water for 20 minutes spent working out, even if you’re not thirsty. Carry fruit juice with a ½ tsp of salt to the gym and sip on it during your workouts.
Everyday, aim to drink no less than a litre of water for every 25 kgs of bodyweight
3) Plan your cheat meals: Allow yourself 1-2 meals a week where you indulge in something you love.
4) Drink coconut water: Its natures own electrolyte-packed rehydration agent. 1-2 a day is a great addition to your summer.
5) Freeze your favourite fruit juices by pouring them into ice trays. When you’re low on energy and craving an ice cream, these make for a much healthier, refreshing snack.
6) Catch a tan: Indian skin contains more melanin, which inhibits the absorption of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for a host of important functions, including but not limited to, metabolism and muscle function. Avoiding the sun for vanity will only make you weaker, so go out and get a nice healthy tan (Always wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the UV rays though). Your body will thank you for it.
Article by our collaborator, Jyotsna John, is a fitness enthusiast who turned her passion for fitness into a full time career. She has travelled to UK and the US and studied a lot about fitness while she was there. She has a list of certifications, and is currently a trainer at The Unit, in Chennai.
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