Ways to improve digestion

With erratic work schedules and the lack of time, most of us wind up ditching the apron and ordering in or swinging by a fast food joint that’s closest to us and grab a bite. While this is every bit the perfect short cut that saves you time and effort, it is also as much a dangerous thing for your health and digestion, given that most fast food is processed and cooked in ways that are unhealthy and bad for your digestive health. It is important to keep your digestion in order, and to detoxify from time to time. Here are a couple of reasons why you should be detoxifying yourself from time to time:
– Your digestion depends on a strong lining of epithelial cells in your digestive cavity. These cells are made to digest strong food such as fibrous and nutrition enriched food – but even they have their limits. Constantly eating processed food or food that is filled with preservatives can damage the lining of your alimentary passage, and that can hamper digestion.
– The digestive environment has a certain kind of balance in the acidity and alkalinity which makes it suitable to digest the food that is ingested. This automatically means that your stomach has to remain in that state of balanced equilibrium to suitably digest food and give you the nutritional effects and elements from what you eat. But eating processed and fast food winds up sending this balance for a toss, and gives you either too acidic or too alkaline an environment that harms your digestion.
– Digestion requires the secretion of enzymes in appropriate measures so that the food is broken down. But when there are complex fats and unhealthy food in the stomach, the enzymes so secreted are not able to manage the burden of having to break down these foods, and this puts your stomach in trouble, too.
When it is inevitable that you must eat out, it is imperative that you set aside some part of your schedule – perhaps a day each week or a day each fortnight, to completely detoxify. How does one detoxify themselves? Here are a bunch of tips:
– Eat fermented foods, which are rich in good bacteria and can help restore the lost balance in the gut.
– Indulge in a lot of fibrous food so that your body gains back its digestive strength.
– Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices to help your body reclaim all its lost salts and hydration.
– Give yourself a break from the routine and indulge in some de-stressing so that your digestion gets back in order.


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