Ways to start your weight loss journey!

Top 5 tips to help you get started and headed down the road to a much healthier you!
1. Make a Plan
how many times have you begun a diet or fitness regimen with the proverbial “I’ll start on Monday”? As Monday rolls around, you are scampering around throwing five-year-old tennis shoes in a gym bag and scouring your freezer for that one “lean frozen dinner” you know is still in there from the last diet merry-go-round.To have true success in any diet plan, it does take a little time to pre-plan. Three simple things you will need to check off your list:
Work Out Gear:
A solid pair of tennis shoes, workout clothes, and a gym bag. By making sure your gear is as ready as you are will encourage you to go to your gym and help you be effective while there.
Get Some Grub:
The true weight loss battle begins and ends in the kitchen, so making sure you have quick and easy whole foods at your fingertips is crucial.
Set Up a Timeline:
Write down your schedule each day. We all know the importance of scheduling things like doctors and dentist appointments, so use this tactic for scheduling your workouts, grocery trips, and meal preparing. By putting it in ink, you will be way more likely to get it done than if it is just an afterthought or an “I’ll get to it before the day is over” idea.
2. Find a Friend :
Schedule daily or weekly workouts together. You’ve been dying to try Zumba, so take your buddy. It’s way less scary trying new things with a partner. Share recipes and meal planning ideas. Having someone to talk to about the daily journey is priceless and will bring an amazing amount of encouragement and longevity.
Article Courtesy: http://www.pressroomvip.com/