Ways To Use Stress

Did you know that stress is actually your body telling you something? It tells you that you are out of balance, and that you need to step back for a bit to ensure that you get back on track.
Stress is actually important: but too much of it can be disparaging. There are many ways to make sure that stress is at its minimum, and that you really focus on yourself in life to ensure that you feel good about moving from one day to the next. Here are some really simple steps to make sure that you lead a happy and stress free life.
– Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Are you sensing a tension headache? Do you feel a little under the weather? Do you feel anxious or tired? Do what it takes to give your body the attention it needs. Spend time in the quiet, unwind, and let your body repair and reconstruct itself before you pick up strings and move on with life. If you push your body beyond limits, remember, it won’t be able to respond efficiently!
– Be your own friend: Sometimes, we set unrealistic goals for ourselves, and expect too much out of ourselves. This is both dangerous and impractical. It is necessary to start by loving yourself enough to understand your limitations and capabilities, and to function accordingly. This will give you positivity and encourage you to feel better about the many things you need to attend to.
– Do a lot of physical activity in a day. This does not mean hitting the gym with a mean vengeance with no energy left to spare: but rather, to move about, to do your exercise, and to incorporate mobility in your lifestyle. It is a good way to get sedentary energy – which is the hub of negative thinking – up and moving. When you do that, you find yourself better disposed to work more efficiently.
– Eat, but eat to stay healthy rather than to stuff your face like there is no tomorrow. Eating healthy food in moderate portions, while also hydrating yourself is a definite way to making sure that you remain healthy in mind and in body without any hindrance to your wellbeing.
– Spend time doing nothing, so that you can recharge and get back into the fold. Life makes a lot of demands on you from different quarters – work, family, friends and the like. You need to find yourself a space to allow your own needs to be heard and attended to. Nothing does that better for you than yourself.
Stress can be very disparaging if left unchecked – and the key to making sure that you stay on the right side of good health with stress is yourself. Make an investment in your wellbeing and be committed to following through with all your efforts to siphon out stress. In the years to come, your mind and body will thank you for doing that!
Picture Courtesy : generationnext.com