We Can. I Can.

On the International day of awareness and activism for Cancer, i.e., World Cancer Day, this year, the global effort is to look at the concept of “We can. I can.” The theme is to look at how everyone in the world can as a collective or as individuals do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer.
Cancer may definitely leave its mark on people, and affect different people in different ways. But, all people have the power to take different actions to reduce the impact of cancer on individuals, on families and on communities at large. The idea underlying World Cancer Day is to reflect on what each person can do, and then make a difference.
Cancer is perhaps one of the most dreaded words and diseases today. People tend to fear the big C, but do not realise that they can overcome it, address it and even prevent it through early and expedited awareness. The key to cancer awareness is to ensure that you make the right effort for your body and mind, and to invest in ways to stay healthy. Lifestyle habits that don’t attract cancer are always the ideal way, and making the switch at any time is all about commitment.
As part of World Cancer Day, the list of collective and individual actions are as follows:

cancer1 cancer2 cancer3

PC: World Cancer Day

References: https://www.facebook.com/worldcancerday