World Obesity Day

A global challenge no less, obesity is a significant barrier to good health. The solution to obesity and the approach to keeping obesity at bay is in your hands – and all it takes is to rely on some good lifestyle hacks. Here are some nifty tips on how you can keep your health in good order and avoid obesity:


1. Never skip breakfast, and make sure that you have a nutritious breakfast. Your first meal after several hours, breakfast is a vital meal. Eating breakfast ensures that you will consume fewer calories during the day after the meal – as opposed to skipping breakfast, which leads you to eat more.


2. Eat foods rich in fibre, so that your digestion is strong and your stomach is filled. You won’t snack on empty calories when you eat fibre dense foods, and your blood sugar stays at a healthy rate rather than spiking up erratically.


3. Eat more natural food and avoid processed food as much as possible. Eating raw, leafy green vegetables and raw fruits can help keep your body filled with healthy fibre, and at the same time, give you the nutrients you need for healthy digestion.


4. Enrich your diet with a balance. Don’t go on high protein and low carb diets – instead, opt for healthy balances. In the process, rely on fish, chicken and beans for protein, rather than heavy meats and cholesterol inducing fats.


5. Snacking in between meals is not advised, but if you simply must, or if it is inevitable, snack healthy. Turn to a fruit or a stick of celery or cucumber, or indulge in nuts. These snacks will help you feel full, and will not add empty calories in your system – but instead, leave you with nutrients that add value to your health.


6. Never neglect your calcium intake. Calcium helps play an important role in the way fat is stored in your body. When your cells are rich in calcium, the more fat they can burn – and this keeps obesity at bay. However, do not overdose on calcium, because it can lead to bone spurs.


7. Keep exercising. The more exercise you do, the better your body gets at burning calories and having a high metabolism – this will help your body build healthy muscle mass while ridding itself of fat that is unnecessary for its wellbeing.
