14 Lesser Known Signs of Depression

Depression is a silent killer and is often not a topic that is discussed comfortably. Depressed people assume that they will be tagged as mentally ill and hence try to do things discreetly. Reality is that a depressed person cannot function like a completely healthy person. This disease is chronic and requires constant effort to come out of it. Proper care has to be taken by self and people around since the chances of relapse are high if the person discontinues certain habits that helped him/her in recovering from it. We have already spoken about depression and steps to overcome it in our previous blogs. This blog however is a list of rarely talked about feelings that might actually be warning signs of depression.
1. You will often feel your head warming up from the inside and a huge lump of a blocked emotion choking your throat always.
2. There is always a loud cry that you can hear within yourself everytime you get annoyed and feel irritated.
3. You will reach a point where you feel like crying your heart out but you can hardly get tears out of your eyes.
4. Your days are either bad or better – never good. You also never seem to accept the compliments that people give you.
5. Sometime loneliness can cause numbness in your brain and make you feel like you’re drunk.
6. You feel like violating rules and regulations in every place you go to.
7. Skipping showers and refusal to dress up can become a common habit.
8. You show lack of involvement in your family and kids.
9. There is always a feeling of exhaustion, tiredness and lack of energy.
10. You sometimes forget to eat or end up skipping meals on purpose.
11. Unexplained headaches, back pain and stomach pain become a recurrent problem.
12. You may overdo things you like (E.g. Driving, clubbing, playing instruments or listening to music continuously for hours, etc.)
13. You may struggle to frame emails and long sentences and tend to forget some of the words in your vocabulary.
14. Disturbed sleep patterns make it very hard for you to start your day fresh.
http://www.lifehack.org/articl es/lifestyle/8-things-people- with-hidden-depression.html
http://www.helpguide.org/artic les/depression/depression- signs-and-symptoms.htm