3 Surprising Uses For Aspirin

Everybody knows that aspirin is a great quick fix for a headache.
But did you know that there’s more to these pills than headache-relieving abilities? They can do a number of things, like even making your garden grow!
Use #1: Helps With Bug Bites
Specifically, aspirin can take care of the swelling caused by insect bites, given its anti-inflammatory properties. Simply crush a couple of pills with water to make a paste, then smear it on a stinging bite to take away the pain.
Use #2: Takes Care Of Dandruff
Salicylic acid, a common ingredient in face wash products, is also present in aspirin. When mixed with shampoo, an aspirin paste can reduce dandruff and exfoliate your skin.
Use #3: Removes Stains
The same salicylic acid can help fight sweat stains in your favorite T-shirt. Mix crushed aspirins with water in a bowl, and soak the stained portion of your T shirt in this bowl to remove stains.
Interesting, and quite handy too! Who knew aspirin could be so useful!