4 Superfoods that can boost immunity


You have heard countless times about superfoods, and we think it’s worth getting to know some of them.


What are Superfoods?

Some foods due to their heavy amount of raw nutrition, low-calorie content and high antioxidant activity are health promoting. Since they are loaded with immunity building supplements, they may be fighting disease, delaying the ageing process, promoting cardiovascular health, beneficial in weight loss etc.


Slice Of Health introduces you to four Superfoods that will give you a health boost.

1.Chia Seeds-


Chia means ‘strength’ in the Mayan language. Chia seeds are one of the most popular superfoods for many good reasons. They are virtually tasteless, easy-to-digest (when prepared properly), super nutrient dense, and full of energy-boosting power. Chia has also nicknamed “runners’ food” because runners used chia seeds as fuel to run long distances. Did you know that just 1 spoonful of chia could sustain them for 24 hours?

Chia seeds (salvia hispanica). Chia seeds benefits include promoting healthy skin, reducing signs of aging, supporting the heart and digestive system.




This dark yellow powder is referred to as potentially the most powerful plant on the planet in its power to fight and reverse disease. Liver issues, skin conditions, cholesterol regulation, and mood stabilization can also all be cured by the power of turmeric.




Moringa tree leaves, also known as  ‘Drumstick tree leaves’ have various healing properties, health benefits. Back in the day, this miracle tree used to treat a variety of ailments including: edema, swelling, stomach disorders, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, thyroid disorder, anaemia and sickle cell disease, and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections.




Blue-green algae, known as spirulina, is truly the earth’s biological gift to vitamin supplement takers everywhere.

Spirulina is packed with protein, fuels our metabolism as well as promotes heart and hair health. Antioxidants are also important for anti-ageing effects. So think of the glowing, young looking skin you’ll get as a result of taking spirulina, as a bonus.
