4 tips to forming a habit

Forming a habit can be a big struggle, right from getting started, sticking to the habit, staying motivated and dealing with disruptions. And yet, to change our habits is as big as changing our lives. If we bring in no change, there will no new ways to do things which might get monotonous and which in the long run won’t do any good. If you want to get fit, beat procrastination, keep a journal, start yoga, and live mindfully … you have to push yourself! To make it easier, you have to be committed and really want to make the change. Otherwise you’ll just quit when things get difficult.
Here are few tips to forming and maintain habits:
1. Begin with just one –
You might want to change 5 things about yourself but to begin with, pick 1 and work towards it. Changing or getting used to new habit might not be easy but when you’re working towards it one at a time, you know you have to give it your all!
2. Remove choice –
Do not let yourself skip days. Make a decision ahead of time to work on it every day at a particular time. And just start. Make it akin to your daily routine – like brushing, showering or having lunch and use that as the starting point. Put a reminder on your phone. Take the decision to do it every day, and then just do it without thinking.
3. Have accountability –
Have a person that you can report to or a group of friends who will push or motivate you. It doesn’t matter how you set it up, but having someone to report to means you are that much more likely to push yourself past the resistance when it comes up.
4. Make it fun and stay committed –
Find different ways to make it fun because when the fun element pops in – there will be lesser reasons for you to quit. The habit is much more likely to stick if you focus on the parts you enjoy, rather than mindlessly trying to check it off your to-do list. And in this way your commitment stays.