4 Types of Fitness Training

The world of fitness covers various forms of exercises, each of which yields different kinds of results. Any kind of exercise you do falls under one of these four categories:
· Aerobics
· Strength Training
· Flexibility Training
· Balance Training
This training involves exercises that strengthen the cardiovascular system by increasing the breathing rate and heart rate. These sessions help to increase the lung capacity and focus on maintaining a constant heart rate (60-80% of your maximum heart rate). The good thing about aerobics is that it involves a lot of muscles in the body and keeps them engaged in a rhythmic state for a sustained period of time to burn more calories in an efficient manner. Examples of aerobic exercises include jogging, running, elliptical training, swimming, climbing stairs, etc.
Strength Training
This involves exercises that help your muscles to increase their endurance to lift heavy weights. Strength training should be a part of every workout however it is more intensely focussed on by people who are interested in body building.
There are two kinds of strength training exercises:
· Static Strength Training: These are isometric exercises that involve contracting your muscles without involving the movement of the joints. Examples include holding a dumbbell steady with your arm extended outward.
· Dynamic Strength Training: These are isotonic exercises that involve the joints as well. Resistance is used to work the muscles of your body such as a bench press or a sit-up.
Flexibility Training
These exercises form the foundation for all other exercises. It is always better to start with this exercise which involves stretching your muscles to prepare them for intense workouts. These exercises are good because they improve the flexibility of the muscles and thereby reduce the risk of injury. You can also resort to this kind of training when you want to improve your posture.
Balance Training
These are not very intense exercises but are good for old people who wish to maintain healthy muscles, bones and joints. Doing this training helps old people in preventing falls and helps them move freely without any help. Examples of balance training include one-legged balance, tai chi, leg swings, etc.
http://www.captel.com/news/hea lth-wellness/learn-four-differ ent-types-exercise/ http://www.livestrong.com/arti cle/534321-five-types-of-fitne ss-training/